Saturday, October 18, 2008

new toys

Today I was able to get out of the house for a bit. Of course you all know exactly where I went.... Walmart! Why is that place so appealing? Anyway..... my honey was needing a table of some sort to put his computer on/eat on/write in his journal etc... so as I investigated I found the coolest lap top table with a light and it extends taller with storgage compartments. I wish you could have seen him! He was the cutiest thing sitting there checking it out. He also wanted some headphones so he can watch movies online and listen to music. So you can just imagine him laid back in his reclinder with his lap top table and headphones on.... TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!

I dropped the kids off at my moms. She was going to take them hiking at DeSoto State Park. :) I can't wait to hear the stories..... but who knows what all they will do before she brings them home tonight.... you know how grandmothers are! (of course that is why we all love them so much right?)

We have PT yesterday..... hubby wasn't able to do much.... his bones are still hurting. He is able to mve his fingers on his right hand quite well. I am so proud of him. The foot is another thing. So keep the prayers coming....... God is working!!!!!!!

Lord you know how much I love you but it will never compare to the love you have for me. Thank you for the blessing of life today. Thank you the smile on my hubby's face. Please continue to heal his body and ease his pain. Give me and my family strength to remember YOU are in complete control and know all. I love you with all that I am. Thank you for saving me!

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