Wednesday, October 28, 2009

update and prayer request

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately... I have just been updating on facebook and then remembered that some that follow my blog are not on facebook... sorry!!!

I am on bed rest or as I like to call it "house arrest" until baby Reece gets here. My doctor is going to do a c section (due to my previous back surgery) on Monday, November 23rd at noon... Please say a prayer for us if you can! That will put me at 38 weeks, so we pray she stays in until then.

I have to admit that bed rest is helping. I haven't had anymore contractions. I give out quickly and if I lift or stay on my feet too much my blood pressure goes up and my back feels like it is going to break into......

I am broken hearted that I didn't get to say goodbye to my sweet Fourth graders.... I just love and adore them so much. I was not expecting to leave them this early! I know they are in wonderful hands... God sent the perfect person to do my leave.... I am so thankful for her!

All my church family and co workers have been so precious emailing, calling, and sending food! Thank you all so much!!!!!!!

I also have to say that I am so blessed with the most giving mother in the world. Oh how I love her~~ Glory and praise the Lord God Almighty for allowing me to still have her here with me and for all her love, help, and support!!!!!!!! She is having to take off work once a week now to take me to the doctor, but I have to admit I love it.... It is so nice to spend that one on one time with her.... even if most of it is her gripping about how much she HATES driving in Huntsville....LOL

And of course my precious husband... wow I don't even know where to begin. He is the most amazing man and I am so blessed and honored to be his wife. (To my mother and father in law- you are wonderful parents that raised an exceptional man and I thank you so much for it.) He sacrifices so much for me and the kids. I know just driving to Huntsville once a week is so exhausting... but my sweetheart does it every day! Then he comes home and is always right there to help with fixing something to eat, helping with homework, or just loving me! Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed when I think about him..... I am so thankful that God chose on September 29, 2008 to keep my husband alive and to heal his broken body and now a year later we are about to welcome a child into our lives..... wow God is so wonderful and worthy of all the praise!!!! Scott I love you completely!!!!!!!!

I have a special favor to ask also. Please pray for my brother Duane. I am so worried about him. He is extremely depressed and feels as though he has nothing to live for..... we as Christians know this isn't true.... deep down I know he knows it also. The devil has gotten such a hold of him! Please pray for him...... he is living a life of such regret, but God can and will heal that pain. Pray that he asks for and accepts God's forgiveness and mercy and that he will forgive himself!

Also remember: Randell Black, my sweet friends Deedra and Karri, my cousins Danny and Rita during his healing process, my precious cousin Farrah, and my grandmother health.

Thank you all for your love and prayers

Friday, October 16, 2009

fun events!

With the scare of contractions and having to be put on bed rest for a while, along with TG having swine flu I have gotten pretty down. BUT God is so good and good things are happening among all the other. Our black lab (Lucy) gave birth to eleven precious puppies on Oct. 14th. Anyone wanting a puppy please let me know.... they will be going for free in about 6 to 8 weeks! They are only part lab.... but soooo cute! There are 5 black, 2 brown, and 4 black and white.
Another wonderful event was the baby shower that my friends/ coworkers gave me! They are all so precious to me and I am so thankful to work with wonderful people! Here are a few of the pictures.

I am just 33 weeks and need to make it to at least 36 weeks before I deliver so much prayer is needed. I hope that I can work a couple more weeks and not have to stay on bed rest... I have to say, shockingly enough, it isn't FUN! I would much rather be able to do something!

Friday, October 2, 2009

4D pictures

I cannot believe how amazing technology is today! The 4D video ultrasound I had today was beyond amazing! I so can't wait to kiss and love on my sweet baby girl. I am measuring 33 1/2 weeks, but by my conception date says I am right at 31 weeks. LOL Go figure that my baby would be so confusing! Doctor is going to do another ultrasound either Oct 15th or 29th to check her weight and length. She is a big girl that is for sure! He said she can come anytime after Nov. 15th~ now to play the waiting game....... keep us in your prayer!

Reece just sleeping away!
Reece with her finger above her nose!

Reece with her mouth wide open!