Sunday, February 1, 2009

HE knows!

In my last post I spoke about the struggle I was having in letting my kids experience life and trust that they will remember to follow what God would have them to do. As my family and I sat in church bro. David began to preach about stress. He reminded us all about Psalms 23:1 "The Lord is my Shepard, I have everything I need."

David continued to speak about how people were not made to stress or worry. If you are a child of God you have no need to worry. God said he will supply ALL our needs. So stressing about something is really saying to God that we do not believe that HE IS LORD.

Well let me just say this hit home with me after this week. I am so thankful for this message and how God spoke to me. I am at peace knowing that HE is in control.

Thank you for your prayers and I love you all very much!

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