Friday, February 6, 2009

update and prayer request

Another work week has past.... and I am so thankful it is the weekend. This week has gone by so slow. Even my students felt that way. :) So all is well with the world that Friday is here!

My sweet wonderful husband found me a piano for Valentines Day! How sweet is that!!!! I had to sell my piano when I moved into an apartment a few years ago. I have missed it terribly. My husband may live to regret buying it after he has to listen to me play forever!!! LOL

All is well on the home front. Hubbies foot infection is gone, but he still isn't able to handle going back to work. By mid morning he is shot! His walking is doing great, but he just can't hold out for long. His hand is still the same. I must say that I am loving the fact that hubby is home. I can't stand the thought of him having to go back to driving and being gone that long everyday!

I ask for your prayers for a young couple in Fort Payne. The Woods family had a baby this past week that had to be taken to Birminham for open heart surgery. She weighed over 8 pounds and everything else was good with her except both the valves in her heart we connected on the same side.


Mrs. Watkins said...

Hey Jen. I do remember you!! Yes.. I am super excited about taking Carissa's leave. I was able to talk to her today while I was at school. I saw you and your mom at Walmart not too long ago, but I wasn't sure if ya'll would recognize me so I didn't say anything! lol. Tell your mom I said Hey!

Jen said...

Hey! I will tell her. You have turned into such a beautiful and amazing young woman so fast!!!!! Glad things are going well for you and your new hubby!

By the way I just adore the Ben stories!

a said...

I am already got a Valentine present!

May be good things will come to those who wait! LOL!