Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Amazing event

God is simply amazing ... well you already knew that but this story is a true testament of how the Lord blesses those that love Him!

As I told you guys in earlier post my grandmother is having to move out of her assisted care b/c she can't get assistance from the veterans.... that is silly but would take another post! So she is moving back to the apartments with my mom (they fixed hers since the fire.) This means we need boxes. Well mom hasn't had any luck finding any and we are moving her this weekend. So as mom was on her way from a school back to her office today she began to pray about needing the boxes and asking the Lord for help. She was so into her pray that she wasn't paying attention to what was in front of her. As she focused she saw the truck that was in front of her and all of the sudden (in the middle of her pray) things started to fly out of the back of the truck. As mom tried to dodge the items she saw that the "items" were broken down boxes!!!!! WOW the Lord is AWESOME! She thanked the Lord (with a slight laugh) and pulled over and began to collect the boxes. When she got to work she found a stack of empty boxes waiting to be thrown away! So her box issue has been taken care. I know some may think that this was not something worth praying for.... how often do we think that about things in our life? things that we think are only important to us are important GOD! Funny how it takes me writing this stuff down for it to sink in and me to listen. God wants whats best for us so why not bring everything to the Lord? Why do we let the world tell us what we should and should not pray for..... I just know that the Lord says to bring your cares to Him and He will give you rest! I am so thankful for His love and mercy!

Hubby is doing well on his walking. He is able to shower and dress himself and fix small things to eat. I am so proud of him!!! Thanks for your prayers and please keep them coming. We go to the hand specialist Thursday.... please remember him that day!

Have I mentioned how much I love all of you! I am so thankful for the comments and emails I get from all of you. Keep them coming I NEED THEM! Sometimes with how busy life is this is the only way I feel connected to my friends. I often find myself wishing things would go back to the way they were when I was a kid. You know when weekends were spent with family and friends. Back when people actually went to each others house and spent time with each other. It is to the point that everyone is so busy and run to death during the week that by the time the weekend comes most have to stay at home all do all of the other things they didn't get to take care of during the week! I hope to be a better friend and visit and do for others more this upcoming year.

Love to all

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