Saturday, December 20, 2008


ok first I am thankful for my job and the opportunity to be out with my children during this time of year! Also, even though I wish hubby had not been injured it is nice to have him home with us this year! I also must say that I am COMPLETELY done with my shopping (yes even stockings!) Everything is even wrapped!!!!!! Man I am tired, but so glad to be done....... hubby gave moral support :)

I am now about to start my next task.... making baby diaper cakes for my sweet cousin Carissa's baby shower in January! They are the cutest things... I will post some pictures after the shower. Carissa is right at 7 months and we are so excited about our next baby girl to join the family. I haven't been able to go see Farrah and Ava lately due to either me or the kids being sick. Not major sick but enough to where I wouldn't dare go around baby Ava with any symptoms! She is just to tiny and precious! I hope to get some pics of her on here also.

Hubby is doing so fantastic on his walking!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS BLESSINGS AND HEALING!!!!! Hubby picked him out a cane to use instead of that bulky walker and he is doing great with it... thanks for your prayers! :):):)

I am looking forward to this upcoming week of spending time with my mother, father, and sister in law..... not that I am not looking forward to spending time with my family, but we don't get to see hubby's family as much because they live about and hour and a half away.

My mom and TG's Nana gave me and hubby a nice break today.... they have the kids (which the kids just love) TG was so funny this morning. As you that have kids that go to school know that just because it is Saturday the internal "school time" clock doesn't change. TG was up at her usual 6:30 am. She was so excited to go see her Nana and Jonathan (her brother) that she got up and put on her clothes and went to wake Big T up and asked him if he would put her hair in a pony tail! How sweet is that!!!! :):) Big T wasn't that happy about her waking him up( he is hitting that teenage sleep a little later mode). Also, he has no clue how to do a pony tail. Being the sweet (only when he wants to be) big brother he tried and tried and bless his heart tried. Finally I got up and came into her room to make sure I had everything packed and I saw him trying so hard on her hair. I got her hair fixed and she sat looking out the window so excited! She loves her Nana time :):) I am so glad she has such wonderful grandmothers in her life. She is such a lucky little girl! Big T went to my moms aka Grammy and if you know my mom you know he is in heaven just like TG is at her Nana's. But hey that is what makes going to grandparents houses so fun right? I know it was that was for me... still is actually.... LOL I love my grandma Jo and I am so thankful to still have her!

Well I have rambled enough....

Merry CHRISTmas.... love to all

1 comment:

Shaunta said...

You're way ahead of me on the gift buying! I haven't even bought stockings, much less stocking stuffers! I bet the kids had a ball with their Nana's. I lived with mine so to get some Grandma time in, I had to go see one of my great-grandmas!

I love, love, love your picture by the fireplace. I spent many family dinners sitting on that hearth. Mawmaw would be thrilled to know that you guys are enjoying it now!