Saturday, November 15, 2008

first sleep over

TG went to her first sleep over at her friends house. I handled it pretty well I think.... man I just never thought I would be the kind of parent that would not "cut the cord", but I have realized I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( I am getting better slowly but surely...... LOL

TG had a great time. Her friend L's mom went all out for the birthday party. TG stayed up later than she has ever stayed up in her life.... 11:45..... I couldnt believe it! The girls played and bobbed for apples, busted an pinata, played babies and barbies and so on....

Big T, hubby, and I had a nice peaceful night just hanging out watching TV and laughing and talking... it was great!

Hubby is feeling better. He has started trying to do a little more with his right hand. Still not able to really put weight on the right foot...a but we are getting there...

Glad my sweet friend Karri is home from gallbladder surgery and is doing well.... please keep her in your prayers.

Farrah and baby Ava are doing great! Thank you for your prayers! I will post some new pics soon.....

1 comment:

sherry said...

Bless your heart! It's hard letting go sometimes! I am usually very good about things like that, but sometimes cerain things really get the best of me. Last year when Dawson went to preschool I was distraught! He had been to day care and I never expected any problems whatsoever. I did expect him to maybe want me to hang around for a minute or two, but he didn't and I think that's what bothered me! I didn't want him to cry or anything...I think I just wasn't expecting him to NOT want me to hang out a minute....I mean how could he not?? Anyways, I understand where you are coming from. Glad Scott is doing better!