Monday, November 10, 2008

prayers please

ok so my cousin Farrah is in the hospital to have baby Ava!!!!! PLEASE PRAY for her to have an easy labor and smooth delivery and for mom and baby to be safe and healthy. I will let you know when she gets here! :):):):)

Today was Big T's first day at Ider! I dropped him off this morning.He was so excited and of course I was nervous....... why is it so hard to let your kids experience life on their own? Many times I wish I had never gone into teaching and had no idea what things were like. I think that might make things easier....... I just see so much and have to deal with so much that it makes me want to shelter my children, but I also know that hubby and I have done everything we can to instill values and morals in our children. I know that the only way to prepare them for the real world is to let them experience things for themselves and for us to be there to help guide and trust the Lord to keep them safe. I just know what an amazing kid Big T is.......... but I also know as his mother and as one of his past teachers that he has some real "dumb" moments! I just know how people (unfortunately) judge quickly and very seldom change their opinion. Big T was so sick of being my "adopted son that had such a horrible life until I got him" and then moving into "the teachers kid". I know first hand what it means to a "teachers kid". Mom taught at Ider my entire time there..... it wasn't always bad, but it had moments when I just wanted to be a regular kid. I ask that you please pray that others will see the Big T that I know and will be treated as everyone else.

TG had some moments this weekend about school. She got a little upset and wanted to change schools. She so wants to be just like her brother. After we talked she got a little excited about being able to be with me by herself for the rest of this school year when I return to work.

Hubby goes to the doctor in the morning..... he is hoping to get the external fixator out and get the clear to start trying to walk a little on the right foot.

I will let you guys know about Big T's first day and how the doctors appointment for hubby goes.......

have a blessed day!


Karri said...

Tell Farrah congrats! Sayin a prayer for Tommy and the hubby! Hope you all have a week of good news. Love ya

sherry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sherry said...

I don't know what happened to my previous says it was removed by the author. That would be me, but I odn't have a clue what I did to make that
Anyways, I said that I hope Scott gets good news in the morning. I know this has to be driving him crazy! Love ya!